Happy 2025!

Here we are, another new year and more lies before us. What will happen inside of the Squamish marketplace?

Will prices continue to stabilize? Will the market run again? Will low interest rates stimulate activity? Will new bans and taxes hurt activity? How has buyer tolerance for our pricing changed over the past 12 months, if at all? Will the cost to build continue to rise? What about land values…? The questions are fair and legitimate, and no, my crystal ball cannot answer every one of them.

So many questions. Looking forward to whatever this year brings, but one thing is for sure. The reasons for moving to Squamish remain much the same: access to recreation, outstanding location, remarkable climate, physical beauty… add your reason here.

Best Wishes for another amazing year from The Outdoor Recreation Capital of Canada!

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    Macdonald Realty
    38090 Cleveland Ave
    Squamish, BC V8B 0B6